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THEY ALSO RODE TO WARN - CD Songs of the American Revolution

Bernie Griff 


Twelve songs of mostly young heroes & heroines who like Paul Revere, rode to warn of the British regulars, Loyalists and Tories. The "Riders" include: Sybil Ludington, Betsy Dowdy, Dicey Langston, Susannah Bolling, Tempe Wick, Mammy Kate, William Dawes, Jack Jouette, Dr. Samuel Prescott, Paul Revere, Sarah Stillwell and a ballad about the  tax on tea titled - Revolutionary Tea.

The CD album will soon be released. I will keep you posted. Bernie Griff (August 21, 2013)


Bernie Griff


A continuation of "Riders" recntly found through books written and research. The riders include: Emily Geiger, Lydia Darraugh, Hannah Clarke, Jane Black, Catherine Barry, Elizabeth Stark, Gen. Israel Putnam, Israel Bissell, Wentworth Cheswell, Caesar Rodney, Prudance Hall, Sarah Bradlee Fulton and a song about the secret meetings held at Liberty Trees by the sons of Liberty and others titled, "Under Liberty Tree".

This CD album is also in progress. as of August 21, 2013


Bernie Griff


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